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Volume 2, Issue 1
US-Iran Relations: Prospects for Regional Stability |
Abstract: | This study aims to explore the US-Iran relations and its impact on the regional stability. USA and Iran are considered two most opponent forces of the modern age especially after the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Iran declares USA as the “Great Satan” while US considers Iran as the proponent of terrorism in the world generally and in Middle East particularly. A thaw in their hostility was seen under the Obama administration but soon it disappeared with the advent of Donald Trump as the New President of USA. This study is qualitative in nature and secondary sources are used to analyze. US-Saudi close ties, Saudi-Iran regional hostility, Iran-Israel long lifted enmity and US-Israel long-term relations played an important role in US-Iran relations. This study recommends that the solution of the mutual clashes of Iran-Saudi Arabia and Iran-Israel is necessary to establish regional stability in the Middle East. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Regional Stability, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Persian Gulf, Arab-Israel hostility | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)01 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)01 | |
Page Nos: | 01-08 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 1 | |
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Analysis of Female Empowerment in Academic Decision and Career Development |
Abstract: | The objectives of the research study are analyze the Female Empowerment in Academic Decision and Career Development The research tool designed to carry out the study were two separate questionnaires. The subjects of this research study were analysis of female empowerment in academic decisions and career development. Three seventy students were selected from Islamia university Bahawalpur and three seventy working women from all sphere of life in district Bahawalpur were asked to response about academic and career developments decisions through the questionnaire. The data collected through the questionnaires was analyzed and interpreted. The results were tabulated in percentage and mean score. To find out the percentage mean, score standard deviation, t-value and df, t-test and ANOVA were used. The empowerment level of decision making was verified through the views of working women and female students. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Female Empowerment, Academic Decision Making, Career Development of Women | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)02 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)02 | |
Page Nos: | 09-20 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 2 | |
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Current Arab Spring: A Wave of Democratic Revolution in the Arab World |
Abstract: | This study aims to explore the causes and motives behind the Arab Uprising. Arab Spring was a wave of protests against the long-term authoritarian rulers of the approximate Arab countries. People of those countries were being deprived from their fundamental rights and went against their rulers. This study is qualitative in nature and secondary sources are used to analyze. It is observed that the social crisis, global economic crisis, unemployment, youth bulge, lack of education and democracy, political slavery and economic inequalities, discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities, and the Self immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi were the major causes of the stir in Middle East. This study recommends free, fair and continuous electoral process, modern education, rule of law and economic development in the region. The law enforcement agencies must be under the law and the continuous state of emergencies in these states should be lifted. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Arab Spring, Mohamed Bouazizi, Protests, Middle East. | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)03 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)03 | |
Page Nos: | 21-34 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 3 | |
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Relationship between Teachers’ Emotional and Social Traits of Personality and their Impact on the Learning Attitudes of Students at College Level |
Abstract: | The present study carried out to determine the relationship between teachers’ emotional and social traits of personality and their impact on the learning attitudes of students. The population of the study consisted of all teachers and students of public degree colleges of Faisalabad city. A random sampling technique was used for selection of the sample. 10 govt. degree colleges of Faisalabad city were included in the sample. A sample of 600 students and 150 teachers were selected from the population. Two questionnaires, one for teachers and one for students were developed for the collection of data. Collected data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted in the light of objectives of the research by applying statistical tools of chi-square, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of correlation(r). ANOVA. Main conclusions of the research were that teachers used different motivational techniques for better learning. Teachers guide students properly by using different teaching techniques. Teachers’ personality towards students was beneficial for learning. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Emotional, Social, Personality Traits, Teachers, Students | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)04 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)04 | |
Page Nos: | 35-49 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 4 | |
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Formation and Working of Federal Shari’at Court in Pakistan |
Abstract: | Pakistan was created in the name of Islam with the ideology that future constitution of the country would enable the Muslims of the sub-continent to live their lives according to the teachings of Islam. Article 2-A of the present Constitution states that “The principles and provisions set out in the Objectives Resolution are a substantive part of the Constitution”. Article 227 further ensures that “All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (Peace be upon Him)”. At present Federal Shari’at Court (FSC) has been given the responsibility to decide and examine the question whether or not any law and provision of law is repugnant to the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. This research deals with the organization and functioning of FSC and its role in the Islamization of legislation. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Islamisation in Pakistan, Islamization of law, Federal Shari’at Court | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)05 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)05 | |
Page Nos: | 50-60 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 5 | |
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Contentious Activism and Inter-Korean Relations: An Analysis of External Powers’ Role |
Abstract: | The division of Korean peninsula was actually the product of global powers. The historical background shows that severely the Korean peninsula was defeated but never divided. The World War Second was the incident that divided the Korean peninsula into Capitalist and Communist parts. Southern part took a shelter behind the U.S. and Northern behind the USSR. Initially the division was the interest of both governments because the leaders of two sides did not want to lose the regime. So they kept involve their allies external powers for pressurizing the rivals instead of making distance from external powers. External powers continue their role in this issue for fulfilling their own ambitions and interests | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | ROK, DPRK, Contentious Activism, Sunshine Policy, Korean Peninsula | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)06 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)06 | |
Page Nos: | 61-79 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 6 | |
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Content Analysis of the Speeches of Bush and Musharraf on War against Terror |
Abstract: | The present study critically analyses the political discourses of Bush and Musharraf’s speeches that account the war on terror issue. The data comprises of two speeches on war on terror. Using a qualitative analytical approach, the study draws on Hsieh & Shannon’s (2005) content analysis to examine linguistic features, manipulative strategies, thematic and ideological stances and propaganda techniques in the speeches. The study reveals that language has been used as a manipulative tool to inculcate desired ideologies in the minds of recipients. Findings show that Bush and Musharraf instilled those ideological stances that suit their interests at large. The leaders had also adopted some propaganda frame and “glittering generalities” technique in their speeches. The highly ideological speeches are replete with the linguistic items that create a particular version of reality | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Content Analysis, Political Communication, Ideologies, Propaganda, War Against Terror | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)07 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)07 | |
Page Nos: | 80-92 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 7 | |
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Modern Domain Living: Qualitative Analysis of Fashion Practice’s Consciousness among University’s Undergraduate Female Students |
Abstract: | This study explores the prevalence of fashion and factors persuading undergraduate female University’s students for fashion. The fashion is the modern cultural preservation of living style, appearance of physical personality and manner of interaction. Islam emphasizes o¬¬¬n proper and ethical dressing, covering whole body, and veiling and more particularly on modesty. Being gender-sensitive study, a number of 20 female students from Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST), Kohat were purposively selected and interviewed. Findings indicate that fashion-practice and enthusiasm for it prevails among female students in study area, and they are inspired for it through social interaction, society and mass media. It is recommended that practicing fashion shall be in conformity to the religious, ethical, socio-cultural and legal limits of a society in a state | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Conscious, Dress, Fashion, Modern, People, Society | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)08 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)08 | |
Page Nos: | 93-107 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 8 | |
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New Technologies and Digital Literacy in Education: A Shifting Paradigm |
Abstract: | The newly emerging concept of Digital Literacy requires an entirely new set of skills, as pointed out by Eshet, including the emotional and cognitive ones, to be better able to work in a digitally oriented environment. With the advent of modern time, the use of technology has become a crucial element in all spheres of life. This study endeavors to look at the level of digital literacy of the teachers, their beliefs and attitudes towards incorporating into their pedagogy, anxiety in using digital gadgets, and perceived problems during this process in Pakistani academia. Drawing insights from the skill-based theoretical framework proposed by Eshet (2004), this qualitative study aims to answer questions regarding the role of digitalization for education in current times. Moreover, it intends to highlight the importance to integrate the use of technology in Pakistani academia, evaluating the digital literacy of academics. The sample population for the study has been selected from six public sector educational institutions and data is collected from 12 teachers through the interview schedule. The collected data is analyzed by adopting the thematic approach. Findings revealed that teachers need more training to be shifted on the new system of E-literacy | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Digital Literacy, Pakistani Academia, Digitalization, Role Of Anxiety, Skills-Based Model, Digital Gadgets, Integration Of Technology | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)09 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)09 | |
Page Nos: | 108-118 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 9 | |
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Dr. Muhammad Iqbal’s Doctrine on Qadianiat: A Historical |
Abstract: | The followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadian are known as Ahmadis and due to this; their belief and faith are called Ahmdiyat. During 1869 a delegation of the British newspapers’ editors and Christian leaders visited India to raise loyalty with the British government among the Indian people along with curbing the passion of Jihad among the Muslims and how they could be tamed. This delegation prepared two different reports on its return to England. In this context, it has been mentioned that the majority of Indians Muslims are the followers of religious saints exclude thinking, if we could find some person who could claim to be an apostolic prophet, and then we can take vested interest under the supervision of the British Government. Mirza Qadiani was nominated to fulfill this job. Allama Iqbal was the royal falcon of that Muslim personality’s caravan which provide step-stone and assist the Muslim national entity during the period of disappointment jitteriness. His thinking stopped the Muslim’s mental tumbledown and construct the religion building on its original basis. This research highlights the Ahmadis sect, its belief and response of Allama Iqbal on this sect | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadian, Doctrine, Ahmdiyat, Finality of Prophet hood, Allama Muhammad Iqbal | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)10 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)10 | |
Page Nos: | 119-129 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 10 | |
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Transit Trade Agreements between Afghanistan and Pakistan: A Comparative Study of 1965 and 2010 |
Abstract: | Afghanistan and Pakistan has signed two transit agreements in 1965 and 2010 respectively. These agreements were signed to facilitate Afghanistan with transit facilities and access to seaports for trading purposes. As trade always play a positive role to build peace and harmony between different countries, and can be used as an effective tool in developing progressive bilateral relations. No doubt, both Afghanistan and Pakistan have historical background of difficult relations but cultural, political and economic interdependence is an undeniable fact. Historically, Afghanistan had been using this route for trade but emergence of Pakistan as an independent state had a negative impact on transit trade for Afghanistan. There were number of issues which were responsible for deterioration and conflict between the two neighboring countries. Pahktunistan and Durand Line were the major issues of bone of contention among them. Later, both the countries signed Afghan Transit Trade Agreement in 1965 to formalize transit and trade related issues. This study is actually a review of transit trade agreement signed in 1965 and Afghanistan Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement signed in 2010. This study is also a comparative analysis of both the agreements signed for resolving transit trade related issues | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Afghan Transit, British, Agreements, Second, Afghanistan | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)11 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)11 | |
Page Nos: | 130-145 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 11 | |
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Perception towards the Use of Information and Communication Technologies among University Teachers and Students in Pakistan |
Abstract: | The study aimed to discover the perception of teachers and their students about the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) at university level. The study was phenomenology in nature; a qualitative survey method was used through semi-structured interview protocol developed by the researchers. The sample comprised of eight faculty members and sixteen prospective teachers selected through purposive sampling technique from University of the Punjab. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis technique with the help of open coding. The study findings revealed that multimedia, projectors, computers, laptops, and LEDs are used in at University level to enhance teaching-learning process. Teachers believe that ICTs can promote through training whereas prospective teachers said that every student should use these technologies in classroom. It is concluded that multimedia, projectors, and laptops are used for giving presentation during in classroom by the teachers and their students. ICTs can be promoted effectively through training of teachers as well as students by conducting seminars. It is suggested that government should take steps to enhance the usages of latest technologies in education system to compete the modern world | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Information Communication Technologies, Prospective Teachers, Faulty Members. Education System | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)12 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)12 | |
Page Nos: | 146-156 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 12 | |
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Psychological Resistance to Socio-political Interpellation in Albert Camus’ The Outsider |
Abstract: | Ideologies play an important role in human life and can influence human behaviors and actions. This paper investigates the nature of socio-political forces that try to determine an individual’s behavior and in return how the individual resists these interpellative attempts in Albert Camus’ The Outsider. The theoretical standing of the study rests upon Althusserian concept of Interpellation while the protagonist’s psychological resistance is examined in the light of Freudian psychoanalysis. For Althusser (1971) interpellation is a process through which an individual’s behavior is controlled by the ideological state apparatuses (ISAs) prevalent in the culture. Through close reading of the selected text, this study explores the socio-cultural influence of ISAs, such as family, law and other cultural agents, on the protagonist in the novel. Whereas, the psychological resistance of the protagonist to these agents are examined in the light of Sigmund Freud’s theory of Psychoanalysis. The findings of the study suggest that interpellation process has influenced the protagonist psychologically which is evident through his dialogues at several occasions. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Interpellation, Ideological State Apparatus, The Outsider, Psychoanalysis | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)13 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)13 | |
Page Nos: | 157-170 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 13 | |
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Experiences and Practices of Prospective Teachers during Teaching Practice in a Pre-service Teacher Education Program |
Abstract: | The research set out to investigate the student teachers' positive and negative experiences during teaching practice. This description helped the researcher to understand student teachers' perspectives about the experience of teaching. Student teachers who were studying in the last year of their four-year BEd (Hons) program were the sample of the study. The research was qualitative in nature. Semi structured interviews were conducted from the prospective teachers. Consistent with the interpretive paradigm, these methods allowed researcher to interact with the research participants. The interview data were analyzed thematically. The Study revealed that majority of the respondents believed that preparation of lesson plans and interaction with students and host teachers was a thorough learning experience. It was further discovered that they faced problems regarding school teachers' harsh attitudes and lack of facilities and other resources. It was recommended to conduct regular reflective sessions with prospective students to ensure good practices | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Prospective Teacher Pre-Service Teacher Education Program | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)14 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)14 | |
Page Nos: | 171-184 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 14 | |
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Power Relations and the Changing Orientalist Discourse regarding Nawabs of Bahawalpur during First Half of Nineteenth Century |
Abstract: | This study explores Orientalist discourse presented in colonial sources on Bahawalpur State documented during first half of nineteenth century. More specifically, here focus is on image of Nawabs presented in British travelogues and intelligence reports. The representation of ‘Nawab’ in documents modify with the changing aims and interests of British government. So long as the Nawab served the British interests, the European writers valuated him with praise. Contrary to this, if Nawab was guilty of any leniency or weakness to yield the wishes of British, his image dwarfed by underlying textual criticism. For better understanding of mechanism of such shrewd manipulation of literary as well as political power, some abstracts from different historical records are amalgamated in this treatise which followed textual analysis. These abstracts are exhausted into three categories: travelers of pre-First Afghan War era, Army men of First Afghan War, and Post-First Afghan war traveler | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Orientalist discourse, Colonial sources, Nineteenth century, Nawabs of Bahawalpur | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)15 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)15 | |
Page Nos: | 185-195 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 15 | |
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Media Framing of Combat, Army Operations, Conflict and Crises: An Analytical Insight |
Abstract: | In the conflict context, media are subjugated even more harshly by the government to spot-on the state image, induce world views and gain their provision more than the other opposing side is needed more than ever. It is sustained in prior literature that a kingdom’s foreign strategy and media’s depiction of conflict or battle are knotted in a sense that media replicate a state’s diplomacy and overseas policy plays a portion in influencing the media exposure . The foundation of the current study is to systematically reconnoiter nature of handling of international mainstream media in framing of foe and others in the context of the enemy and hostile specially pre, during and after war/conflict | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Framing of Conflict, Crises, Battle, Military Operations, Media | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)16 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-I)16 | |
Page Nos: | 196-207 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 16 | |
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Investigating the Effects of Terrorism on Emotional Stability of University Teachers in Pakistan |
Abstract: | The study examined the linkage between terrorism and emotional wellbeing of university teachers. The teachers of Government College University, Faisalabad were the population of the study. The multistage sampling technique was adopted to select the respondents while the sample was consisted of 74 university teachers representing three faculties and 14 departments. A self-developed survey instrument was used to observe the existing level of emotional stability of teachers. The questionnaire for survey has 65 items divided in eight indicators of emotional stability. The results were drawn by using statistical measures; t-test, ANOVA and Correlation Co-efficient among indicators of Emotional Stability. The findings of study indicated that there were feelings of fear and anxiety in teachers. Moreover they were also facing difficulties in regulating their emotions due to terrorism. Therefore paper suggested training sessions for university teachers to overcome fear and stress | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Emotions, Stability, Terrorism, Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Aggression | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)17 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)17 | |
Page Nos: | 208-219 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 17 | |
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Principals' Perspectives on Relevance of Professional Training to Characterize their Role and Capabilities within Secondary Schools in Punjab, Pakistan |
Abstract: | The school heads are the key agent of school development and their training is a significant element which enables them to perform well and transform the schools and consequently the fate of nation. This paper is an intellectual effort to search out the relevance in between the training programs provided and the actual needs of the principals to perform in the schools. The results of the study revealed that school principals are acting as the facilitators and trying hard to create a conducive learning environment within the schools. This study confirms that school principals want to change the existing practices to bring positive change in the schools. Their training programs are equipping them to use modern technology at the workplace to be efficient. The professional development program should have been planned after a thorough need analysis to enhance the validity of the training | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Educational Leadership, School Principals, Professional Development, Roles and Responsibilities | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)18 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)18 | |
Page Nos: | 220-233 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 18 | |
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The Impact of Social Media Usage on Academic Performance of University Students: Moderating Role of Time of Use |
Abstract: | Doubtless in current society; social media like Facebook, Twitter has gained wider acceptability and usability, mainly among students at universities. The social networking websites like twitter and face book, are constantly off-putting students from their academic studies who use them for the non-academic purpose. This study was conducted to identify the impacts of using social media on academic performance of students at different universities. The data was collected from the students at different universities of Azad Kashmir and Pakistan by drop questionnaires. From a sample of 202 students, through this study we found using social media for the academic activities ‘significantly positive affects the educational performance of the students who was measured using the cumulative grade-point average (CGPA). These findings show us to recommend plans that can play an important role to improve educational activities as well as the academic achievements | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Social Media Usage, Time of Use, Student’s Academic Performance | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)19 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)19 | |
Page Nos: | 234-246 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 19 | |
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Representation of Religious Minorities in Pakistani and Indian Print Media: A Comparative Analysis |
Abstract: | The study aimed to analyze and compare the pattern of minority representation in Pakistani and Indian print media. Representation of minorities in the media is important to address as mass media is playing apart in making and maintain the identities. There are many discourses on image building of minority groups. Considering the sharing of common background of Muslims and Hindus the study investigated whether there are any biases with regard to the representation of religious minorities and specifically Indian Muslims and Pakistani Hindus in their respective print media from 1990 to 2010. Through content analysis and working under the theory of media hegemony the study concluded that there is an unequal and biased representation of religious minorities in Pakistani and Indian print media. Pakistani print media has been more silent with respect to Pakistani Hindus whereas Indian print media has given more negative representation to Indian Muslims | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Media Representation, Religious Minorities, Pakistan and Indian Media | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)20 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)20 | |
Page Nos: | 247-258 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 20 | |
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Comparing Social Media Political Activism in Hong Kong and Islamabad from the perspective of Political Participation Theory |
Abstract: | Hong Kong and Pakistan have the similarity of British colonial tradition of democracy, political activism is considered as manifestation of democratic value. Pakistan’s capital Islamabad and China’s special administrative region (SAR) Hong Kong observed this political expression of sit-inns in 2014 and 2015 by pro-democracy protesters of Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong and Pakistan Tehrek-e-Insaf(Pakistan Movement for Justice, political party). This study aims to analyse the Facebook and Twitter pages of both movements. Twenty pages selected from frequently reported activism and sit-inns during 2014 to 2015 in the months of October 1st to 31st March. Data collected through well-established coding sheet for content analysis to compare posts/tweets, likes/favourites, share/re-tweets and comments/conversation. Social participatory theory is the theoretical foundation of this study. The findings of the study revealed that protesters in Hong Kong are much frequently using pro-democracy propositions to criticise their government in comparison of Pakistani activists. Political mobilisation and activism of both countries are significantly dependent on FB and Twitter whereas the political activists from Pakistan significantly shared and expressed their thought during their sit-inn as compare to the activists of Hong Kong. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Facebook, Hong Kong, Islamabad, Political Activism, PTI, Twitter, UM | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)21 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)21 | |
Page Nos: | 259-271 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 21 | |
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Law of the Sea: An Introduction |
Abstract: | The importance of awareness and knowledge of the sea and the international laws applicable to rights and duties of States towards territorial waters and the waters adjacent to it and activities at sea cannot be denied. Trade and commerce through water play a significant role in national security, economy and political stability of a nation which is directly dependent upon trade routes and waterways connecting the international community. Waterways and freedom of movements at sea without any hindrance is vital for international relations and economy of coastal states. This work endeavors to introduce one of the most important areas of the International law called “ Law of the Sea” contained in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982. This law is emerging at highly accelerated rate with overwhelming response from all over the world. At the same time, as needed, it introduces nontraditional and scientific mechanism of its implementation and enforcement. The introduction of this branch of law is not only the need of the time but indispensable for successful economic developments and diplomacy. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Contiguous Zone, Continental Shelf, Convention, Exclusive Economic Zone, International Law Commission, Sovereignty, Territorial Waters | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)22 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)22 | |
Page Nos: | 272-282 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 22 | |
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Role of Religion in State Discourse: A Reappraisal of Islamization in Pakistan |
Abstract: | Role of religion in state discourse is an old age phenomenon for the politicians. Constitutional secularism solved some issues yet the significance of religion in human perception cannot be minimized. For Pakistan’s constitutional development, the main question was not only about the acceptability of the role of Islam but also the kind of Islam to be established and extent of its influence into state system. The use of Islam as a political force with varying intensity has remained a frequent practice in Pakistan by civilian leadership as well as the military rulers. Their objectives behind that practice were, to acquire legitimacy, to strengthen their political positions and to consolidate their vested interests. The legacies about the establishment of political identity of Muslims in Sub-continent which was primarily, based on Islam played a critical role in post-partition period in Pakistan - especially in manifesting the politics and power claims of various political parties and groups. The underlying study aims to explain the relationship between religion and politics in Pakistan since its inception and, to seek the role of religion in the constitutional development with reference to the use of Islam as a political instrument. The research concludes that not a single serious effort was made to incorporate the spirit of Islam in the constitution rather everything was politically motivated which has its own repercussions. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Constitution, Islamic Provisions, Political Instrument, Religious Ideology | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)23 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)23 | |
Page Nos: | 283-294 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 23 | |
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Sentiment-based Movie Recommender System using Deep Learning |
Abstract: | The emergence of overloaded internet content poses many new challenges for users and content providers alike. To limit the amount of content viewed, such as videos, music, or other products of content providers such as Netflix or Amazon, the recommender systems are used to guide the user via the available material. These services collect knowledge about the customer and strive to deliver personalized experience. Many sophisticated programs have an approach to contents, but often neglect to take into consideration the nature of user sentiments. This leads to the creation of a sentiment-as-input paradigm incorporating current studies on the recognition of human sentiment and emotionally classifying material within the movie domain. Multiple models of the learning are tested and an ANN is selected due to its outstanding performance. The results of this analysis show that the user sentiment should be used to suggest tailor-made content rather than random content. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Artificial Neural Networks, Emotions, Movies Recommendations Recommender Systems | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)24 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)24 | |
Page Nos: | 295-304 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 24 | |
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Cultural Discourse on the Portrayal of Courtesans in Iqbal Hussain’s Realist Art: Conventions and Implications |
Abstract: | Iqbal Hussain is considered as one of the most renowned painters of Pakistan. He is known for his stark realism in portraying the courtesans of the Red Light district of Lahore. This paper focuses on various artistic conventions that Iqbal Hussain used to express a controversial subject matter. These conventions include the use of gaze, posture, symbol and captured moment. It is argued that since he represented a social reality that was hidden from ordinary observer, the otherwise commonly used conventions implicate psychological, moral and metaphysical domains of art interpretation. These domains are engaged as the viewer is focused, questioned and is compelled to re-evaluate the prevailing cultural discourse. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Art Interpretation, Courtesan, Iqbal Hussain, Realism | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)25 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)25 | |
Page Nos: | 305-321 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 25 | |
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Media Development VS Human Development: The Case of Pakistan |
Abstract: | The twentieth century was characterized by the evolution of media whereas the twenty-first century is witnessing its rapid development. An opportune manifestation of this can be found in its massive expansion in Pakistan. The pace at which electronic media in Pakistan has expanded, especially after the establishment of Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), is enviable, to say the least. A brief analysis of the facts and figures reveals that, there has been an increase of whopping 3744per cent in the number of electronic media (radio stations and television channels) outlets while that for print media (dailies, weeklies, fortnightlies, monthlies, quarterlies and others) has been recorded at 46per cent. This means that as a whole there has been an increase of 134per cent in the number of media outlets. The electronic media of Pakistan records tremendous growth in short period of time but reputation of Pakistani media has violated due to its failure in comprehensively understanding the affairs, as media contributes toward crispy issues and crisis rather than addressing the real facts and causes of societal and human developmental issues. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Human Development, Media Development, Pakistan PEMRA, Radio | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)26 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)26 | |
Page Nos: | 322-332 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 26 | |
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Pakistan Strategic Relations with Tajikistan: An Appraisal |
Abstract: | The relations of Tajiks with the peoples of Pakistan have a long history and their cultural ties were formed in olden times and the middle Ages. Persian language and literature were widely spread in Pakistan and for centuries it was the official language of the court and state administration in the Muslim rulers of the subcontinent including Pakistan. Although sometimes Arabs, Turks and Afghans ruled the areas of current day Pakistan, their system of government was always Persian or Arabic that is one bone of tie between people of Pakistan and Tajikistan as both nations share and culture and this bond also help both nations to develop close relations with Afghanistan, Iran, Arab countries and a number of other countries. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | CARCE, CPEC, Pakistan, Tajikistan | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)27 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)27 | |
Page Nos: | 333-342 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 27 | |
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Prevalence of Drug Abuse among University Students in Lahore City, Pakistan |
Abstract: | This paper highlights the use and availability of drugs which has almost gotten out of hands in Lahore, and university students are the most affected one. Call it an emotional instability or curiosity, majority of the students have tried out what a drug tastes like, even if it is just a cigarette. To resolve the issue of drug abuse amongst university students, a collective method should be started by the parents, university administration, public as well as government. This research is qualitative and exploratory cum analytical method of research is being used in this research paper. Primary data was collected through interview method of research. Semi- structure questionnaire was formulated. Population of the study was students of six HEC recognized public and private universities of the Lahore. Participant of the interviews were selected through snowball sampling technique of the research. The authors of this paper analyzed data after conducting interviews of 10 male students from different universities of Lahore. No audio was recorded, as per the request of the students, only detailed notes were written. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Drug Abuse, Lahore, Pakistan, Students, Universities | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)28 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)28 | |
Page Nos: | 342-352 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 28 | |
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Corruption and Fiscal Decentralization: A Comparative Analysis for Developed and Developing Economies |
Abstract: | Fiscal decentralization is thought to be a tool to control corruption and improve governance in the economy. Theoretical literature on fiscal federalism supports this idea by establishing the argument of more transparency in smaller jurisdictions. The present study examines the impact of fiscal decentralisation on the prevalence of corruption in the economy. Panel estimation methodology is used separately for two datasets of total 52 economies for the period of 24 years from 1990 to 2014. The dataset were consisted upon 28 developed economies and 24 developing economies. Moreover, conductance of a comparative analysis of whether the impact of fiscal decentralization on corruption remains the same in developed and developing economies or varies with the change in the level of development of economies. The results of the study indicate that fiscal decentralization has an adverse effect on corruption in developing economies. While, fiscal decentralization contributes positively in reduction of corruption in developed economies. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Corruption, Developed and Developing Economies, Fiscal Decentralization, Governance, Local Government | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)29 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)29 | |
Page Nos: | 352-368 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 29 | |
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Analysis of Indian Films Propaganda against Muslims and Pakistan |
Abstract: | Media play a vital role in propagating individual ideologies. Media designate the ideologies on the consent of ruling party. This point can be cleared from the following reference that “in America during Vietnam war media plays a vital role and they spread the news related to war according to the consent of state polices the war is near to end and peace is at on hand (Kissinger’s report)” from this we come to know that media reshapes the individual ideologies, same is the case with Indian media, as they create false ideologies related to Muslims as well as Pakistanis. Taking analysis of Indian movies like Ek Tha Tiger, Raees and Tere Bin Laden we come to conclusion that India has created a planned digital war against Pakistan. The present research is conducted to observe the media as a tool of digital warfare in case of Indian movies. Content analysis research was used from a sample of 3 Bollywood movies. The objective of this study is to analysis the specific role of media in propaganda & framing the agenda that Muslims are terrorist. The technique of non-probability sampling is used. Semiotic method was used to represent the findings of research and such types of Indian movies they set the perception of international level against the Muslims as well as Pakistanis that they are terrorist. They use such kinds of themes, figures of speech and set up which are contrary to the Pakistani culture. Results of the study show that if Indian cinema continuously to make such type of movies then digital warfare will promote the real warfare between Pakistan and India. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Agenda Setting, Digital Warfare, Image, Media, Muslims, Propaganda | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)30 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)30 | |
Page Nos: | 369-380 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 30 | |
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Influence of Internet usage on Emotional Instability, Time Management and Academic Performance at Tertiary Level |
Abstract: | The purpose of the study was to identify the effects of Internet use on Emotional Instability, Time Management and Academic Performance of University Students. The nature of study was descriptive and falls in positivism paradigm for this survey method was used. For the purpose of data collection convenient sampling technique was used and questionnaire was adapted that developed by Dorji (2015).. Data was collected from two campuses of University of Education Lahore as Township Campus and Lower Mall Campus. The sample of study was 200 university students from different departments or divisions.. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for statistical analysis of data. Results showed that in the comparison of Internet use regarding emotional instability, time management and academic performance on the basis of gender, where male students face emotional instability than the female students, male students do not face emotional instability than female, male students do not well in academics than female Also, the finding revealed that effect of Internet use was weak correlated with emotional instability, time management and academic performance of university students. The recommendations of the study are research studies would be more interesting if the study was to conducted in more depth with other variables. Same kind of study was conducted with large sample size of respondents and also on other students of different universities of Lahore.381-389 | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Academic Performance, Emotional Instability, Internet Use, Time Management | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)31 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)31 | |
Page Nos: | 381-389 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 31 | |
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Effects of Intellectual Property on Economy: An Analytical Study |
Abstract: | Intellectual property is also called incorporeal property or intangible property and it has no physical existence. It has always been debated whether intellectual property has a significant impact on the economy. Numerous writings have been written on it. Trademark, patent, copyright, registered designs are examples of intellectual property. This is the property of the person who registered it in his name. This paper is based on analytical research and concludes by examining the opinions of intellectual property experts and economists that the effects of intellectual property on the economy are numerous and it is impossible to deny the importance of intellectual property for the economy. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Economy, Growth, Intellectual Property | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)32 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)32 | |
Page Nos: | 390-398 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 32 | |
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The Area Based Effects of Cyber Bullying on Academic Achievement and Behavior of Students at Higher Secondary Level |
Abstract: | The purpose of this research is to discover the effects of cyber bullying on students' academic achievement and their behavior. The objective of the research was to find out the academic achievement affected by cyberbullying and behavior of students on Area basis at higher secondary school level. Through random sampling technique, 2160 students and 48 teachers from 6 districts were selected. Questionnaire and interviews were used for data analysis using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results showed that cyber bullying significantly affects students' academic achievement than their behavior. No significant effect of cyber bullying was found on students’ academic achievement and their behavior with respect to their Area. The qualitative data obtained from interviews teachers concludes that students are well aware of cyber bullying and cyber bullying equally affects boys and girls of public sector higher secondary schools. | |
Author/s: |
Keywords: | Academic Achievement, Behavior of Students, Cyber Bullying | |
DOI Number: | 10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)33 | Details Download |
DOI Link: | http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2018(2-1)33 | |
Page Nos: | 399-408 | |
Volume & Issue: | v2-1 | |
Article #: | 33 | |
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