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Correlation Analysis of the University Teachers’ Computer Self-Efficacy in Teaching and Research in Punjab (Pakistan)
The main objective of this research was to find the correlation among computer self-efficacy (C.S.E), perceived teaching skills (P.T.S) and perceived research skills (P.R.S) of university teachers regarding the use of ICT. The population was the university teachers working in public sector universities of the Punjab the province of Pakistan. The total number of respondents (sample) in this research was nine hundred and twenty three teachers. CSE was measured by the use of Murphy’s (1989) scale. P.T.S and P.R.S were calculated by developing more items by the researcher. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of this tool was measured 0.98. The tool was distributed personally. The data were analyzed by Arithmetic means and coefficient of correlation. The results showed that mean score depicted levels of C.S.E, P.T.S and P.R.S was at some confidence level. The results of the correlation analysis depicted that there was a strong relationship between teachers’ CSE and PTS. The resulted value of correlation showed a strong relationship between teachers’ CSE and PRS. Considering these results it was recommended that computer training for the use in teaching and research must be compulsory to enhance the CSE of teachers.
Muhammad Rashid
Ph. D Scholar, Department of Education, BZU Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
Dr. Ahmad Farooq Shah
Professor (Retired), Department of Education, BZU Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
Farah Latif Naz
Lecturer, Department of Education, BZU Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
Computer Self -Efficacy (C.S.E), Correlation, ICT in Teaching and Research, Self-Efficacy, University Teachers