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Unveiling the Reality: A Study of Honour Crimes in Interior Parts of Sindh Province
This study examines the prevailing honor killing and honor crimes status in rural areas of Sindh. Honor killing is widely reported from rural and tribal areas of Sindh province. This is known as ‘Karo -Kari’ which is perceived or alleged involvement of a male or female in pre-marital or extra-marital relationship. It results in killing usually of a female by her close relative for bringing ‘dishonor’ to their family. For this study purpose mixed method research was adopted comprised of interviews, FGDs and field observations. The findings reveal that honor crimes including honor killing is deep rooted in rural areas of Sindh. Community perception does not discourage people from committing such heinous crimes. The role of relevant stakeholders is also ineffective to control honor killing. The study recommends a holistic approach including structural reforms of law enforcement institutes, changes in laws and widespread community awareness to curb this heinous crime.