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Suffering Silence and Turnover Intentions while Exposed to Workplace Bullying: The Role of Psychological Distress
Although workplace bullying is a well-focused phenomenon in the Western context but the specific way it unfolds in non-western countries and especially in their higher education sector remains largely unexposed. In response to this gap, an empirical inquiry has been conducted across higher education institutions in Pakistan. This paper not only improves our understanding of the scope and features of bullying in HEI but also proposes strategies sufferers could employ to deal with the workplace bullying. Data were collected from higher education academic faculty in two-wave cross-sectional time horizon. Results were obtained by reference to structural equation modeling using Amos-24. Findings support the positive relationship of bullying with turnover intentions and silent behavior and also reveal the mediating role of distress between bullying and its venomous consequences. In brief, this paper recommends effectually implemented anti-bullying policy and management support to alleviate adversative impact of workplace bullying on academic faculty working in higher education institutions
Ghulam Abbas Bhatti
Ph. D Scholar, School of Business Administration, National College of Business Administration and Economics, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Alia Ahmed
Dean & Professor, School of Business Administration, National College of Business Administration and Economics, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan