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Portrayal of Pakistan in USA Print Media
The study analyzes and investigates the “Portrayal of Pakistan in US dailies” through content analysis of Washington Post and The New York Times. For it researcher analyzed all the editorials published from September 2001 to 2018. Data was analyzed in the light of framing theory. The universe of the study is New York Times and Washington Post, and researcher took editorials as sample for research. The researcher conducts the content analysis of 123 editorials regarding Pakistan in both dailies. After data collection the study investigated data according to the defined categories and subcategories. The study performed statistical analysis by using statistical procedures and presented results in graphical form. The findings revealed that the majority of editorials regarding Pakistan are unfavorable and Pakistan do not have positive image in US mainstream print media. Both dailies gave coverage to Pakistan according to the US interest with Pakistan. The statistical test chi-square was applied for testing the hypothesis. It is confirmed that both dailies represent Pakistan image unfavorably after 9/11 incident and they are extremely prejudice about Pakistan.
Hassan Naseer
Ph. D Scholar, Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
Prof. Dr. Abdul Wajid Khan
Professor, Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
Content Analysis, Framing, Portrayal of Pakistan, Print Media, USA