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Pakistan’s General Elections 2013: Analysis of Time Magazine and The Economist
This research study looks at the exposition of Pakistan in International Media through a discourse analysis of the articles of Time magazine and The Economist during the 10th General Elections in Pakistan. The study examines the nature of treatment given by the above mentioned two most important international English language magazines. The study was conducted in the light of agenda setting and framing theory to investigate the coverage of Pakistan in the international media. The Time magazine represented the perception of Pakistani youth concerning May 11 polls. The Time magazine and The Economist endorses the results of the May 11 General Elections in Pakistan and highlights the biggest challenges facing Pakistan’s new prime minister.
Dr. Muhammad Rashid Khan
Assistant Professor, Institute of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Asmat Ullah
Independent Researcher and Development Expert, Islamabad, Pakistan
Muhammad Karim Ahmed
M. Phil, Centre for Communication and Media Studies, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan
Elections 2013, Pakistan, The Economist, Time Magazine