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Nehru the Father of Indian Atomic Bomb and Integrated Guided Missile Development Program: A Historical Perspective
This paper underlines Nehru’s role in Indian Integrated Guided Missile Development Program. Realists explain states motives behind nuclear proliferation. Apparently there are three motives for states to proliferate. First, counterbalance rival states. Second, acquire nuclear weapons to gain prestige in international arena. Third, accrue the expenditure used for developing nuclear weapons Authors in this study have applied qualitative method. Paper concludes that Nehru was a pessimist, champion of nuclear disarmament and wanted global zero is a mere statement and a flawed notion. The second segment highlights Indian missile proliferation. It brings into limelight threats to Pakistan’s security. It is recommended that Pakistani academia should highlight that Nehru issued directives to Dr. Bhaba to divert peaceful nuclear technology for nuclear weapons development. Secondly, Nehru-Bhaba collusion is responsible for South Asian nuclearization
Ashfaq Ahmed
Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR), University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
Muhammad Ramiz Mohsin
Lecturer, Department of Social Work, University of Sargodha, Sub-Campus Bhakkar, Punjab, Pakistan
Farzad Ahmed Cheema
Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR), University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan