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Intellectual Property and Economic Growth: A Review of the Literature
This Study is based on descriptive research and reviews the literature related to intellectual property and economic growth. There is a wealth of literature on intellectual property and economic growth and everyone’s opinion is different from another’s. Both of them were described as seen by anyone. Literature related to the two has grown exponentially since the advent of TRIPS. Even in developing countries, much has been written about it. With so many new inventions in the world, there has been an increase in literature related to intellectual property and economic growth and this is a very good development. The study concludes by reviewing intellectual property and economic growth related literature that the literature on both of them has highlighted the importance of intellectual property, but the economic importance of intellectual property needs to be further highlighted through good writings.
Ghulam Murtiza
Assistant Professor, College of Law, Government College University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan